Saturday, April 20, 2024:
Neighorhood Clean Up
Join us as we pick up trash in our Ascension Neighborhood.
Supplies provided by Montavilla Neighborhood Association.
Register at our information area.
Saturday, April 27, 2024:
82nd Avenue Parade of Roses
Join our Ascension Group as we share our Ascension Spirit in our Neighborhood. Walk, ride your bike or scooter, push a stoller, or cheer us on from the sidewalk!
Register at our information area.
Join our Social Concerns Coordination Team!
Help plan and coordinate activities for our parish.
Contact Sharon Grigar at the Parish Office for more information.
503-256-3897 [email protected]
A donation hamper is in the vestibule of Ascension Church.
Food and clothing donations are needed.
Especially in need of men's clothing.
A focus is on the vulnerable, no matter their age, race, or religion.
Volunteer Opportunities serving at the center.
Open Monday through Thursday from 10am to 2pm.
See the link below.