Family Promise Metro East
Ascension Catholic Church is a hosting congregation in the network of churches for Family Promise Metro East. We host families for the month of August and also support other churches throughout the year.
(Family Promise Network: SE and NE Portland)
Our Mission:
Our mission is to help families experiencing housing instability achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response.
Our goal is to address the issue holistically, providing prevention services before families reach crisis, shelter and case management when they become homeless, and stabilization programs once they have secured housing to ensure they remain independent. We tap into existing local resources to empower families towards economic stability. Families come to us in crisis; we help them rebuild their lives with new skills and ongoing support.
Volunteer: See the link below to volunteer, or contact our Parish Office for more information. Volunteer Opportunities include:
Dinner Provider
Evening Host
Overnight Host
More About our Shelter:
We host up to 15 people at a time. The number of families varies depending on the size of each family.
Each family is screened, and once admitted into the shelter, the Executive Director works with them to transition into permanent housing.
This outreach effort is much needed. Many volunteers are needed to answer God’s call to the acts of mercy to shelter the homeless, feed the hungry, and clothe the naked.
Consider joining the team to lead in this effort. Please prayerfully read the list below and discern if you are called to this important ministry.
Job Descriptions for Family Promise Shelter Team
Set up/ clean up coordinator
Help recruit volunteers
Set up and take down the tents
Set up the area for the guests
Cleaning Crew Coordinator
Recruit volunteers
Set up schedule for weekly cleaning of the space.
Hosting/Overnight Coordinator
Help Recruit volunteers
Train volunteers
Schedule volunteers
Meal Coordinator
Help Recruit volunteers
Make schedule for dinners
Shop for food for breakfast/lunch
Coordinate with SVDP for food for breakfast/lunch
Start up coordinator
Determine what is needed for the shelter space.
Request donations for the items we need
Do you have questions, or would you like to join our team?
Contact: Marylee Stahl [email protected]