**We will carpool from Ascension. Please let Michael know if you'd like to carpool.**
Join us for a Friday evening retreat, including dinner, Eucharistic Adoration, Sacrament of Reconciliation, Lectio Divina, followed by Compline and fellowship at Benedictine Brewery.
(Optional: 5:15 Vespers Evening Prayer) 6:00: Welcome and Dinner (Guesthouse Westminster Room) 6:30: Introduce Lectio Texts and time to meditate with them either at Adoration in (Abbey Church), Guesthouse, or out in the front lawn. Confessions Available: 6:45pm (Abbey Church) 7:20: All meet in the Abbey Church for Benediction and Compline After Compline: head to the Brewery and get drinks 8:20: Start small group discussions on lectio texts 9:20: Start to wrap up discussions 9:30: Closing prayer
+Open to ages 18-35.
*Our new start time is 6:00pm, yet, you are welcome to come to Vespers as an optional choice. *If you can't make it for dinner at 6:00pm no worries, feel free to come after and meet us at the Abbey Church to get your lectio sheets. *Please consider a donation of $10 to help with costs for the night.